“Dr. Adriel Hilton is definitely making his mark in the world of academe. His intentionality to advancing the body of knowledge surrounding students of colors’ success is so significant and necessary. Adriel, continue to make a positive difference in the lives of others!”
Robert L. Canida, II, PhD
Vice President for Inclusive Excellence
University of Lynchburg
“The evaluation results for Dr. Hilton’s keynote were exceptional. Our members were actively engaged throughout the session due to Dr. Hiltons interactive presentation style and his amazing knowledge of the material and real-life examples that he provided to the audience. We received numerous comments regarding Dr. Hilton’s use of a variety of techniques that kept them engaged while providing helpful tools to impact their professional lives.”
Michael A. Couch II Ed.D.
Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management
Martin University
“Adriel is a phenomenal presenter and thought leader around issues of diversity, equity and inclusion. He facilitated a workshop for our university’s leadership team, it was an impactful, meaningful experience. He masterfully led us through 2 days of difficult conversations, strategic visioning and ultimately to an action plan that will make systemic change on our campus.”
Tyvi Small
Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Engagement
University of Tennessee
“I have known Dr. Hilton for quite some time. Since the first time that I first met him, he has always demonstrated himself to be a distinguished administrator and professor. Wise beyond his years, Dr. Hilton is one of the young preeminent scholars in the field of education who is dedicated to advancing Black education. Without reservation, I would recommend him as a consultant, leader, and scholar and I am confident in his abilities to lead and effect positive change.”
Sydney Freeman, Jr., PhD
Professor of Adult, Organizational Learning, & Leadership
University of Idaho
“Dr. Hilton is not just an accomplished scholar; he is also a seasoned administrator and passionate educator. He continues to greatly impact his university community, the broader higher education community, and beyond.”
Donald Mitchell, Jr.
Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer and Professor of Education
Bellarmine University
“Dr. Adriel Hilton is an inspiring, compassionate, and student centered professional who speaks with incredible confidence and authority. To miss Adriel speaking is to miss an opportunity to grow both professionally and personally. He is a dynamic keynote speaker!”
Crystal J. Bryant, PhD
Coordinator, Research Programs & Student Services Office of Graduate Programs
College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Florida A&M University
“Adriel is clearly an exceptional scholar and his academic credentials are impeccable.”
Greg S. Goodman, Ed.D.
Past Associate Professor of Education
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
“Dr. Hilton is a highly competent and personable individual and brings a great work ethic to his professional endeavors and builds trust among those with whom he interacts.”
Patricia Green-Powell, PhD
Professor of Educational Leadership
Medical Marijuana Education & Research Initiative
Florida A&M University
“His ability for critical thinking related to…complex issues is impressive and indicative of his attitude toward tackling and resolving some of the difficult issues of our day.”
Earl S. Richardson, Ed.D.
President Emeritus
Morgan State University
“Dr. Hilton is an exceptionally bright and ambitious young man and working with him was a pleasure. He is an outstanding leader…”
Pamela E. Scott-Johnson, PhD
Dean, College of Natural & Social Sciences
California State University, Los Angeles